Best Ways to Look Younger Without Surgery

There is something with aging and looking old, the process of aging should be enjoyed to the fullest, but generally it is not. Some people do enjoy the aging process, but something inside pricks. Yes, the aging skin side effects. The wrinkles, the age spots, and the sagging skin hurt. No need to mention the dark circles and bags around the eyes and the widening girth! Aging starts at the age of twenty five and even people in their late twenties want to look younger than they are. Even imagining how you would look when you age, gives goose bumps!

But, with proper care you can make yourself look younger. Definitely, surgeries and other cosmetic procedures give a permanent effect, but they also have their own shortcomings. Many are against the use of cosmetic procedures as, they often result in many dangerous side effects. Most of the people can now afford to take a plastic surgery. But the surgery guarantees no sure shot effects; there have been instances of the plastic surgery failing. There are plenty of other side effects associated with plastic surgery, the dangerous ones being - it leading to tissue and nerve damage. Thus, surgeries and other complex procedures should be avoided for the best. There are other safe ways to give yourself that youthful glow.

Makeup products are a bliss (for women only). Though there are many anti-aging products for men too, the idea of applying makeup doesn't work well for men. Women have the advantage of applying heavy makeup to camouflage the wrinkles and age spots and look young. Application of makeup has the power to transform the aging skin into a super young looking skin. Primers, foundations, eye lines and mascara, combined with an application of lipstick is the best way to hide aging signs and look young. For makeup one should specially use the anti aging products for maximum and dual benefits (of makeup and anti-aging). To look young in the long run, the following tips would be useful (for both, men and women!).

Makeup can only hide the aging of the facial skin, since you cannot put whole body makeup on a regular basis. Thus long term care is the best way to look young and food plays an unarguably big role in it. Food we eat has a huge effect on how we look. Eating wrong food (fried, oily, fast food) harms the skin badly, and makes it look dull, tired and of course aging. The glow of the skin is also lost. Thus for a younger looking skin, you should eat healthy and appropriate food with a right balance of essential nutrients. Food rich in antioxidants should be consumed along with drinking at least 2 liters of water daily. The ingredients especially the antioxidants in these anti-aging foods rejuvenate and nourish the skin, giving it a youthful look.

Lifestyle you follow also contributes indirectly in determining how you look. Smoking, drinking and following a lazy lifestyle contributes to a tired and aged look. Keep yourself away from the sins of smoking and drinking for experiencing the long term anti-aging effects. Exercise! This is the most important factor to discuss. With aging the body cells undergo wear and tear, and the bones (supporting structures of the body) become weak. Any form of exercise contributes to improving the physique of the body. Regular walking combined with muscle strengthening exercise helps in keeping the body toned and younger looking. Yoga and meditation also boosts the skin cells, giving the body a healthy and youthful look. With this method, you will feel young in the mind and this will also indirectly make you look young.

Other Factors
Plenty of other factors contribute to make you look young. Dressing and grooming being the important factors. Stay connected to the latest fashion trends to look young. Dress up in some bright and youthful colors and style your hair in a fashionable way. These ways do work to make a person look young. Skin care is also an important factor. Nourish and moisturize the skin daily with essential oils to enhance the looks. Peel offs and facials help in the removal of dead skin and thus make the skin look young and healthy. These skin care routines should be followed regularly for a younger looking skin.

Beauty Recipes Using Food

They say you are what you eat. To some extent, that is true; whatever you eat is processed by your metabolism and used by your body to make everything work how it is supposed to. This is why some people think that eating greasy foods or chocolate will make you break out. If you eat greasy foods, it follows that your skin might become greasy which would cause you to break out. There is research that both proves and disproves this old wives' tale, but did you know that there are some food products that can improve your skin and hair from the outside? You don’t even have to eat them to see the wonderful benefits.

Honey has fantastic moisturizing properties, and it is also antibacterial. Most acne is actually caused by bacteria on the skin, so using honey in lieu of an antibacterial soap can be extremely beneficial for your skin because, rather than drying your skin out to rid yourself of problem-causing bacteria, it will moisturize your skin while doing the same. You can mix it with brown sugar, granulated sugar, or sea salt which all have exfoliating properties. Once mixed, rub it gently on your face and rinse it off. Also, honey can smooth out frizzy hair. If you add a tablespoon of it to a liter of water and spritz it on your hair, your flyaways will disappear.

Lemon Juice
Lemon juice has long been known for its bleaching properties. If you squeeze some in your hair before sitting out in the sunshine, it will give you natural, beachy highlights that every woman craves. However, if you apply it to hyperpigmentation on your face - those little dots you get from acne sometimes - it can help lighten those, too. Dab it on, let it sit for 30 minutes up to overnight, and rinse it off with water. You’ll see a difference in a few days. If you mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with half a teaspoon of aloe, you can get rid of the grease in your hair. Mix it with your shampoo and rinse it all out as normal. Greasiness will magically disappear. If you boil chopped lemons with two cups of water until the water has been reduced, you can use the mixture that is left as a natural hairspray.

Vinegar can work wonders on your skin and hair. If you use vinegar instead of conditioner once a month, your hair will shine like it’s never shined before. This is because the vinegar strips the products and grease that build up over time out of your hair, leaving it naturally shiny. You can also use apple cider vinegar as a toner for your skin. Just wipe it on your face and you will see that it exfoliates immediately, leaving your skin beautiful and glowing.

Olive Oil
Extra virgin olive oil has been said to be a miracle product for your skin and hair. Rub it on at night and use a warm, wet rag to steam your face. This will open your pores and, as you rub the rag on your face, will also remove all traces of makeup. Wash your face with your favorite soap after this and you will notice that your skin feels soft and manageable. You can also use olive oil like a hot oil treatment for your hair. Put it in your hair and leave it for half an hour before you rinse it out. Your hair will be moist and beautiful.

Ancient Greek Fashion Women

The kind of clothing worn in ancient Greece was loose and flowing, and the garments were rarely sewn together. The fabrics used were mainly linen or wool. There were certain typical garments that belonged to this period. Women also wore a veil with their clothing whenever they stepped out of the house. In fact, the ancient Greek fashion was quite modern in its outlook as far as men were concerned to the extent that male nudity was really not a big deal in ancient Greece.

The chiton was worn in the olden days in Greece by men as well as women. This form of clothing was quite popular due to its comfort. The chiton could be worn with a himation (a kind of cloak) or it could be worn without it as well. When worn without the himation, it was known as the monochiton. The chiton appeared on the scenario after the Persian invasion. A belt was also worn with the chiton, which was called the zoster. The chiton was seen in two varieties - the Doric chiton and the Ionic chiton. The Doric chiton consisted of two pieces of cloth, which were rectangular in shape, and was worn long. The Ionic chiton differed from the Doric chiton in terms of the overfold. The overfold was worn longer on the Doric chiton.

The himation represented a form of outdoor wear. The himation was also an important garment of ancient Greek clothing. This was generally made from a rectangular piece of wool. With the use of lighter fabrics, the himation could be worn at any time of the day. It was also used as a form of drapery to be worn over the chiton. The himation can be compared to the Roman toga, the only difference being that the himation has less volume in the fabric. When worn solo, the himation was known as the achiton. This piece of clothing can be compared to the modern cloaks worn today.

Women often wore the peplos and these go back to the period before 500 BC. This can be described as a piece of woolen material which was styled as per the height of the wearer. The peplos consisted of a tubular-shaped cloth. This was folded from the inside out. The top area of the tube usually gathered at the waist and the bottom area extended till the ankles. The cloth on the upper area was brought underneath the left arm. This was secured with the help of tapes or pins on the right shoulder. The top layer of the cloth, which draped the waist often gave the appearance of two pieces of cloth. There were certain types of patterns that were used for the peplos. Some of the common patterns included checks, flowers, waves or even stripes. When women wore the peplos, the arms were generally left bare.

The chlamys also had a flowy appearance and was mainly worn by the soldiers in ancient Greece. The chlamys was used as a cloak and was pinned at the right shoulder. It was an apt form of clothing for the soldiers due to its light fabric and the flowy material. During winter, the soldiers used this piece of clothing as a cover to keep themselves warm.

Jewelry and Makeup
Jewelry formed a significant part of ancient Greek fashion. This was discovered with the findings of jewelry at the Greek sites which proves that women in ancient Greece loved to wear all sorts of jewelry with their flowing garments. Bracelets, earrings and beautiful necklaces were worn with Greek attire. Even men were not left behind as far as fashion was concerned. It is known that men wore jewelry till the 4th century.

Ancient Greek women also used makeup. Pale or light skin was considered a status symbol for women. Women used honey and olive oil to improve their skin. They often used substances as a substitute for cosmetics for enhancing their looks. Dark powder was dusted over the eyebrows and red powder was used over their lips. Women also loved to wear their hair long during this period.

Skin Beauty Tips

Make-up and clothing are a part of an identity for every woman. It is often said women think of nothing but make-up and fashion. Well, I say it is the beauty of a woman that makes the world a better place. Good-looking women ooze confidence and style as well as motivate others to follow suit. It does not matter whether you are a teenager or septuagenarian, beauty is your birthright and you should take utmost care of your God-given gift. These simple beauty tips for girls will help you maintain your aura.

Skin is the largest organ of our body. It helps protect all our vital organs inside the body, and keep us away from infections. Skin is the most important organ in defining a person's beauty. A clear, flawless skin is the first sign of a healthy body.

Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day to keep your skin moisturized.
Eat nutritious and balanced foods to supply enough vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin C to your skin.

Drink a glass of water mixed with honey to keep your skin shiny and smooth.
Skin massage with milk and saffron helps keep your skin moisturized and smooth.
Keep the room temperatures mild to prevent your skin from drying.
Bathe with lukewarm water and mild soaps. Do not take a hot water shower as it causes your skin to blush and become dry.
After a bath, do not dry your skin by rubbing hard with a towel. Instead with a soft, gentle towel pat dry your skin.
Eat plenty of fruits and raw vegetables as they are a source of fluorine, which is very important to prevent scaly skin.
Cucumbers are a great source of sodium that helps prevents wrinkles on skins. Cucumbers also help keep the body cool.
Use hydrating creams after every shower, hand wash or during cold temperatures. This gives a soft feel to your skin.
 Use lotions containing hydroxyl acid or salicylic acid. These lotions not only keep your skin moisturized but also give it a smooth appearance.
Scrub your skin with walnut or apricot scrub to remove dead cells and maintain a healthy layer of skin.
Use gloves in winter to protect the skin on your hands from getting chapped.
Use a cuticle cream to keep your fingers looking good.
Wash your face with a face wash in the morning and before going to sleep.
Use an SPF moisturizer on your face and body when going outdoors. This helps prevent damage and premature aging of the skin.